Your bathroom and kitchen sinks can get clogged with gunk, dirt, grease, oil, and food debris. Other sticky substances such as shaving cream and toothpaste can also accumulate, solidify, and build up in your drain pipes over time. These plumbing problems can leave you seeking help from skilled plumbing contractors in Charlotte.
Keeping your sinks clog-free and looking as good as new is easy. Here are some tips you can follow:
Pour some hot water down your drains
Accumulated grease deposits can hinder your sinks from being fully functional. Fortunately, you can easily keep your bathroom and kitchen sinks clog-free by pouring some hot water down your drains. This way, it can melt, soften, and flush away any materials and substances that coat the inside of your drains and clog your sinks.
Meanwhile, when pouring hot water down the drains doesn’t address your plumbing problem, you may need the expertise of plumbing professionals. Don’t hesitate to reach out to experienced plumbers in Charlotte.
Use cold water wisely
Cold water will solidify oils and grease, clogging your sinks. Make sure to use cold water wisely to break them up, particularly when running your garbage disposal. Pour some hot water to remove any deposits that may have formed afterward.
Dissolve grease with liquid detergent and boiling water
Aside from using hot and cold water, you can get rid of grease buildup without hassle with liquid dish detergent and a large volume of boiling water. The boiling water will melt away oil deposits, while the liquid detergent will dissolve substances and allow the boiling water to flush them away.
Prepare the formula by boiling water and squirting a generous amount or at least a tablespoon of dish liquid directly into your drain. Pour the boiling water into the drain afterward and repeat the process up to 2-3 times or as needed.
Unclog your bathroom drains with table salt
Bathroom drains require a different cleaning method from kitchen drains. To keep them clog-free, use ordinary table salt.
Pour at least one tablespoon of salt into your bathroom drains followed by one-fourth cup of plain white vinegar, and let it sit for at least an hour. Finish the process by running hot water to clear out all the loosened substances from your drains. Repeat the procedure for the best results.
Be mindful when using bleach into your sinks
Bleach is a disinfectant that kills bacteria. When used carefully and properly, it can keep your drains clean after you clean them out. Pouring a little amount of bleach into your sinks and letting it sit for at least an hour or overnight can keep your drains clog-free. Make sure to run water afterward.
Since bleach is a powerful chemical, use it with caution. Seek plumbing repair in Charlotte if you used bleach incorrectly and ended up having a plumbing issue.
Your sinks and drains can get coated with deposits over time, but following the tips mentioned above can help you keep them in tip-top condition. Aside from calling plumbing experts, it’s also advisable to read plumbing hacks to stay informed on how to address any plumbing issues.
Whether you are looking for plumbing services in Charlotte or wanting to improve your plumbing skills, you can find helpful information about all things plumbing on our online directory for plumbers. Learn more plumbing tricks and tricks by reading our other blog posts!